
I was also fascinated by the variety of career paths forestry can take you. For many of my friends at school who are pursuing studies in business, engineering, and the arts, when they hear the word forestry, or forester, they think of lumberjacks and clear cutting, but in reality, this is not the whole picture. There is a significant amount of biology, economics, politics and cultural aspects involved in the research and processes behind forestry practices. It is a convergence of all these things. This is what drew me to forestry - just how diverse it is with respect to…
Updates on new New York Invasive Species Research Insitiute publications and upcoming events.  Read about the Spring Updates.
Allison Jones ยท The Canadian Press Ontario is cancelling a tree planting program, with those involved warning the move will lead to the loss of jobs and environmental benefits that forests provide. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry told Forests Ontario the day after the Progressive Conservative government delivered its budget this month that the 50 Million Tree Program was being eliminated. Read the full story.
The Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that works to promote sustainable forest management practices througout Ontario. Our core programs of Forest Certification, Forest Education and Outreach, Regional Forest Health Network and Community Forest Carbon Offsets are guided by a desire to balance the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainability. Loggers in Renfrew County Forest helping to create wildlife habitat by topping dead red pine tress, when safe to do so!Photo credit: Lacey RoseIn 1999 the EOMF began to explore forest certification as a means of promoting sustainable forest management for private forest owners. In…
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